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#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Author xiaohei # Date 2015-06-18 try: input = raw_input except NameError: pass import os,os.path import shutil,errno import sys import time from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET from xml.etree.ElementTree import SubElement from xml.etree.ElementTree import Element from xml.etree.ElementTree import ElementTree def generate_updates(): """ 扫描渠道SDK配置目录下的所有渠道SDK下的config.xml,根据里面配置的versionCode来生成 需要更新的渠道SDK文件。 每个渠道SDK生成一个更新文件,格式为zip 最后生成一个version.txt,作为版本控制文件 生成的目录为updates 每次只生成有更新的渠道SDK,也就是将扫描的结果和updates目录下已经存在的version.txt 进行比对,生成新增的渠道SDK,以及versionCode有增加的渠道SDK """ print(u"generating sdk update files, please wait...") rootPath = "./config/sdk" if not os.path.exists(rootPath): print("The sdks folder is not exists."+os.path.abspath(rootPath)) return outputPath = "./updates" if not os.path.exists(outputPath): os.makedirs(outputPath) backup_version_file(outputPath) sdkList = get_old_versions(outputPath) for sdk in os.listdir(rootPath): if os.path.isfile(sdk): continue sdkConfig = rootPath + "/" + sdk + "/config.xml" if not os.path.exists(sdkConfig): print("There is no config.xml file in " + sdk) continue versionCode = parse_sdk_version(sdk, sdkConfig) if versionCode == None: continue if not is_need_update(outputPath, sdk, versionCode, sdkList): continue print("generate update of sdk %s..." % sdk) sdkPath = os.path.join(rootPath, sdk) zipName = sdk + "_%s" % time.strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%S') zipFilePath = os.path.join(outputPath, zipName) shutil.make_archive(zipFilePath, "zip", sdkPath) if not os.path.exists(zipFilePath+".zip"): print("The zip file of sdk %s generate faild. %s" % (sdk, os.path.abspath(zipFilePath+".zip"))) continue sdkList.append([sdk, versionCode, zipName+".zip", os.path.getsize(zipFilePath+".zip")]) print("generate update of sdk %s success." % sdk) generate_version_file(outputPath, sdkList) def is_need_update(outputPath, sdk, newVersion, oldSDKList): """ 判断当前渠道SDK是否需要更新,根据versionCode判断 """ for s in oldSDKList: if sdk == s[0]: if newVersion > s[1]: oldFile = os.path.join(outputPath, s[2]) if os.path.exists(oldFile): os.remove(oldFile) oldSDKList.remove(s) print("remove old exists update file of sdk %s " % sdk) return True else: return False return True def generate_version_file(outputPath, sdkList): """ 生成version.txt """ if sdkList == None or len(sdkList) <= 0: print("generate version.txt faild. no sdk selected.") return versionFile = open(outputPath+"/version.txt", "w") for sdk in sdkList: versionFile.write("[%s,%s,%s,%s]\n" % (sdk[0], sdk[1], sdk[2], sdk[3])) versionFile.close() print("generate version.txt success.") def backup_version_file(outputPath): """ 备份上一次的version.txt """ oldVersionFile = os.path.join(outputPath, "version.txt") if not os.path.exists(oldVersionFile): return shutil.copy(oldVersionFile, os.path.join(outputPath, 'version_back.txt')) def get_old_versions(outputPath): """ 解析上一次生成的version.txt """ oldVersionFile = os.path.join(outputPath, "version.txt") if not os.path.exists(oldVersionFile): return [] sdkList = [] of = open(oldVersionFile, 'r') lines = of.readlines() of.close() if lines == None or len(lines) <= 0: return [] for line in lines: line = line.strip() line = line[1:] line = line[:-1] sdkList.append(line.split(',')) return sdkList def parse_sdk_version(sdk, configXml): """ 从渠道SDK配置目录下的config.xml中解析出versionCode """ try: tree = ET.parse(configXml) root = tree.getroot() except: print("Can not parse %s config.xml :path:%s" % sdk, configXml) return None versionNode = root.find('version') if versionNode == None: print("There is no version node in config.xml of sdk %s" % sdk) return None versionCodeNode = versionNode.find('versionCode') if versionCodeNode == None: print("The versionCode is not exists in [version] node of sdk %s" % sdk) return None return versionCodeNode.text if __name__ == "__main__": generate_updates() input("Press Enter to continue:") |
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#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Author xiaohei # Date 2015-06-18 import os,os.path import shutil,errno import sys import time import config_utils import http_utils from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET from xml.etree.ElementTree import SubElement from xml.etree.ElementTree import Element from xml.etree.ElementTree import ElementTree try: input = raw_input except NameError: pass def check_sdk_update(): """ 检查版本更新,在config/local目录下,存放一个打包工具使用的配置文件local.properties 在该配置文件中,配置渠道SDK更新的服务器地址sdk_update_url. 每次更新将远程的version.txt存放在local目录下 用于下一次更新时,将远程的version.txt和本地的version.txt进行比对,从而筛选出需要 更新的渠道SDK 根据version.txt比对的结果,下载服务器上的需要更新的渠道SDK的zip文件 临时放在local目录下 然后解压到渠道SDK配置目录下,同时删除zip文件 """ print("checking update, please wait...") local_config = config_utils.getLocalConfig() if "sdk_update_url" not in local_config: print("the sdk_update_url is not exists in local.properties. check update failed.") return localUpdatePath = './local' if not os.path.exists(localUpdatePath): os.makedirs(localUpdatePath) sdkPath = './config/sdk' if not os.path.exists(sdkPath): os.makedirs(sdkPath) updateUrl = local_config['sdk_update_url'] updateVersionUrl = updateUrl + "version.txt" old_updates = get_old_versions(localUpdatePath) new_updates = get_new_versions(localUpdatePath, updateVersionUrl) olds = [] for sdk in new_updates: for old_sdk in old_updates: if sdk[0] == old_sdk[0] and sdk[1] == old_sdk[1]: olds.append(sdk) break new_updates = [sdk for sdk in new_updates if sdk not in olds] updateCount = len(new_updates) if updateCount <= 0: print("There is no sdk need update.") else: input("Total %s sdk to update, Press Enter to update:" % updateCount) for sdk in new_updates: print("Now to download %s ..." % sdk[0]) url = updateUrl + sdk[2] zipFile = os.path.join(localUpdatePath, sdk[2]) content = http_utils.get(url, None) f = open(zipFile, 'wb') f.write(content) f.close() print("%s update success, now to unzip..." % sdk[0]) currsdkPath = os.path.join(sdkPath, sdk[0]) if os.path.exists(currsdkPath): shutil.rmtree(currsdkPath) os.makedirs(currsdkPath) shutil.unpack_archive(zipFile, currsdkPath) os.remove(zipFile) def get_new_versions(localUpdatePath, updateVersionUrl): """ 获取服务器上的version.txt文件,同时将该version.txt存放到local/目录下 """ content = http_utils.get(updateVersionUrl, None) if content == None: return [] lines = content.decode('utf-8').split('\n') if lines == None or len(lines) <= 0: return [] #save the new version.txt versionFile = os.path.join(localUpdatePath, "version.txt") f = open(versionFile, "w") f.writelines(lines) f.close() sdkList = [] for line in lines: line = line.strip() if line == None or len(line) <= 0: continue line = line[1:] line = line[:-1] sdkList.append(line.split(',')) return sdkList def get_old_versions(localUpdatePath): """ 从本地local目录下解析version.txt 获取上次版本更新的记录信息 """ oldVersionFile = os.path.join(localUpdatePath, "version.txt") if not os.path.exists(oldVersionFile): return [] sdkList = [] of = open(oldVersionFile, 'r') lines = of.readlines() of.close() if lines == None or len(lines) <= 0: return [] for line in lines: line = line.strip() if line == None or len(line) <= 0: continue line = line[1:] line = line[:-1] sdkList.append(line.split(',')) return sdkList if __name__ == "__main__": check_sdk_update() input("Press Enter to continue:") |
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